Roxy-pacific Melbourne House Pty Ltd
The Roxy-pacific Melbourne House Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934647
- 0621934647
- 27/09/2017
The Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd is a Australian Proprietary Company which Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934816 and it was registered on 27/09/2017 under class Limited by Shares (LMSH) which means the liability of the Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd company members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares. Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd company shareholders are not required to contribute any further monies (in the case of a winding up) if the shares they have taken up are fully paid. The current status of Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd company is REGD which means Registered. The Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd is registered in Australia and the state registration number is . The Australian business number (ABN) of Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd company is 92621934816.
Company Name | Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | 0621934816 |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company |
Company Class | Limited by Shares |
Sub Class | Proprietary other. |
State | Australia |
Status | Registered |
Registration Date | 27/09/2017 |
Registration Number | NA |
Australian business number (ABN) | 92621934816 |
The Roxy-pacific Melbourne House Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934647
The Yabba Dabba Doo Smsf Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934665
The Goraya Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934709
The Mookie Blaylock Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934727
The Park One 305 Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934772
The Investment Management Research Program Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934816
The Rolstn Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934825
The Master Flush Plumbing Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934834
The Chapple Super Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934852
The Fbrsr Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934870
The Smith Base Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934905
The Brijem Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934914
The Lbh Providential Pty Limited is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934941
The Sumone Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 27/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621934950