Address adda have the all details about Canara Bank Katara that is located in Bhopal city, Bhopal District, Madhya Pradesh. The IFSC Code of Canara Bank Katara branch is CNRB0004317 that you can use to transfer money and all purposes. Canara Bank, Katara Branch MICR Code is also available here that is WAITING. The address of Canara Bank Ifsc Code Of Katara Branch Bhopal Canara Bank Madhya Pradesh is Shop No. 7 & 8, Spring Valley Dew Complex, Katara Hills, Huzoor Tehsil, Bhopal Dist - 462004 and you can also call branch for any query, the contact number of Canara Bank Ifsc Code Of Katara Branch Bhopal Canara Bank Madhya Pradesh is Not Available.