African Mutual Resources Pty Ltd
The African Mutual Resources Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621967888
- 0621967888
- 28/09/2017
The Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd is a Australian Proprietary Company which Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968116 and it was registered on 28/09/2017 under class Limited by Shares (LMSH) which means the liability of the Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd company members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares. Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd company shareholders are not required to contribute any further monies (in the case of a winding up) if the shares they have taken up are fully paid. The current status of Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd company is REGD which means Registered. The Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd is registered in Australia and the state registration number is . The Australian business number (ABN) of Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd company is 23621968116.
Company Name | Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | 0621968116 |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company |
Company Class | Limited by Shares |
Sub Class | Proprietary other. |
State | Australia |
Status | Registered |
Registration Date | 28/09/2017 |
Registration Number | NA |
Australian business number (ABN) | 23621968116 |
The African Mutual Resources Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621967888
The Dcm Enterprises Wa Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621967904
The Kurbingaibah Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 09/11/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621967968
The Joanne Li Holding Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621967977
The Excel (wa) Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968018
The Glaz Electrics Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968116
The Eyesight Surgical Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968125
The Mooico Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968161
The First Choice Consulting Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968223
The Winford Super Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968250
The Crossway Property Developments Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968296
The Finnlou Developments Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968330
The Hinal Automation Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968349
The Pots & Pints Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 28/09/2017 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0621968429