Squeeze Creative Pty Ltd
The Squeeze Creative Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023589
- 0145023589
- 05/07/2010
The Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd is a Australian Proprietary Company which Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023712 and it was registered on 05/07/2010 under class Limited by Shares (LMSH) which means the liability of the Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd company members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares. Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd company shareholders are not required to contribute any further monies (in the case of a winding up) if the shares they have taken up are fully paid. The current status of Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd company is REGD which means Registered. The Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd is registered in Australia and the state registration number is . The Australian business number (ABN) of Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd company is 0.
Company Name | Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | 0145023712 |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company |
Company Class | Limited by Shares |
Sub Class | Proprietary other. |
State | Australia |
Status | Registered |
Registration Date | 05/07/2010 |
Registration Number | NA |
Australian business number (ABN) | 0 |
The Squeeze Creative Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023589
The Fluid Factr Group Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023623
The Ibuy Direct Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023650
The Niteam Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023669
The Curavic Investments Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023696
The Lorimer Properties Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023712
The Seven Skies Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023776
The Kragstuart Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023909
The Keratin Nsw Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145023927
The Liger Capital Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145024004
The Shiran (qld) Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145024095
The Tj Gunasinghe Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145024148
The Sivah Constructions Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145024157
The Wisey's Mobile Diesel Fitting Pty Ltd is a APTY company which was registered on 05/07/2010 under class LMSH in Australia and the Australian Company Number (ACN) is 0145024317