Ananthatha Farmpreneurs Agro Private Limited is a Private, Agriculture and Allied Activities based, Non-govt company Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 08-01-16 with ₹ 500000 authorized capital and ₹ 300000 paid up capital. The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of Ananthatha Farmpreneurs Agro Private Limited is U01100TZ2016PTC022156 that is categorized as Company limited by Shares and sub categorized as Non-govt company and it was registered in Tamil Nadu state and at present the company status is Active. Registered office address of Ananthatha Farmpreneurs Agro Private Limited is 7/207, Ist Floor, Bharathi Nagar Kadampadi, Kangayampalayam, Sulur Coimbatore Tn In 641401 and RoC-Coimbatore is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of Ananthatha Farmpreneurs Agro Private Limited was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.