Dwaraka Chains Private Limited is a Private, Business Services based, Non-govt company Company and it was enrolled (incorporated) on 03-04-91 with ₹ 2000000 authorized capital and ₹ 0 paid up capital. The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of Dwaraka Chains Private Limited is U74999TG1991PTC012517 that is categorized as Company limited by Shares and sub categorized as Non-govt company and it was registered in Telangana state and at present the company status is Active. Registered office address of Dwaraka Chains Private Limited is 10-48, Soubhgyanagar Opp Toidpl Colony, Hyderabad Tg In 000000 and RoC-Hyderabad is the registrar of this company.The latest annual return of Dwaraka Chains Private Limited was Not Available and latest financial statement year was Not Available.